The purpose of this program is early detection of infection from boot viruses and to provide a daily system check

Startest is a Freeware Program and is provided without any limitation, at no charge to the user. If the program is found useful, the author encourages a little donation to the UNICEF or to International Red Cross.

Startest is a freeware software which will help you detect the infection from boot viruses and to provide a daily check of system critical files. When computer starts, it reads informations stored into first sectors of the hard disk, a necessary procedure for a correct system startup. Many viruses, adding themselves to boot code, take advantage of this mechanism in order to gain control of the machine and replicate themselves to infect as many computers as possible. Every times Startest 3.5 is run, a comparison is made between current MBRboot sectors and the configuration detected during initial setup process, alerting for changes. In case of changes, the program extracts the added or changed code in hexadecimal format, offering the possibility of notification to the free services of anti-virus software houses.

Moreover, the program checks every time is run some essential Windows Dinamic Link Libraries, helping in early detection of unknown viruses attack to the system. Some new viruses infact, ( i.e. Hybris virus ), take control of the system communication DLLs to gain access to the Internet, having the best possibility of spreading through e-mail services.

This version of the program checks a larger number of critical Windows files, improving overall safety of the system.